On Tour 09/04/24-10/03/24 “Innocents At Home” by Linda Ulleseit

Release Date: September 3, 2024

About The Book:

Nina Larrowe anticipates resuming her place in New York society, but Twain’s careless remarks about her behavior ostracize her and force her to reevaluate everything she thought she knew. Nina becomes an actress and embarks on a life she never could have imagined. After a series of disappointments, Nina must rise from the ashes once again to craft a life she can take pride in.

The daughter of a newspaper magnate, Emma Beach falls head-long in love with the flirtatious Sam on her trip to the Holy Land. Her dreams are proven to be fantasies when Sam marries another. She is content to spend her days painting and taking care of others- until she realizes there could be more to the life she’s been living and reaches for a chance at her own happiness.

Inspired by Nina’s autobiography and Emma’s letters to Mark Twain, Innocents at Home explores how these two women inspire each other to overcome devastation and discover the courage to live life on their own terms.

About The Author:

Linda Ulleseit is the award-winning author of heritage fiction about her female ancestors. She is a member of the Historical Novel Society and founding member of Paper Lantern Writers. She has an MFA in creative writing from Lindenwood University. Linda believes in the unspoken power of women living ordinary lives. Her books are the stories of women in her family who were extraordinary but unsung. Under the Almond Trees follows the lives of a suffragette, an architect, and a photographer in pioneer California. The Aloha Spirit is set in territorial Hawaii. The River Remembers, her most recent, is set in 1835 Minnesota and explores the intertwining Native American, Black, and white cultures. Find out more about Linda on her website, BookBub, Facebook, or Instagram.

Social Media:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/linda.ulleseit/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lulleseit/

BookBub: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/linda-ulleseit

website: https://ulleseit.com/

Bloggers On Tour:

Sept. 4th- Love My Books 2020 https://instagram.com/lovemybooks2020

Sept. 9th- Rozier Reads and Wine https://instagram.com/rozierreadsandwine

Sept. 10th- Miss W Book Reviews https://instagram.com/misswbookreviews

Sept. 10th- The Mary Reader https://instagram.com/themaryreader

Sept. 12th- Lindas Book Obsession https://www.facebook.com/lindasbookobsession/ 

Sept. 16th – Dana Loves Books https://www.instagram.com/dana.loves.books

Sept. 17th-  Novels and Latte Book Club https://www.facebook.com/groups/357651988042629

Sept. 21st-  Marilyn Goncalves https://instagram.com/marilynjgon

Sept. 23rd- Reading Is My Remedy https://instagram.com/reading_is_my_remedy

Sept. 23rd- Books and Coffee MX https://instagram.com/booksandcoffeemx 

Sept. 27th – Nurse Bookie https://instagram.com/nurse_bookie

Sept. 28th- Subakka Bookstuff https://instagram.com/subakka.bookstuff

Sept. 29th- Books Love And Understanding https://instagram.com/booksloveandunderstanding

Oct. 3rd- Sarahs Bookstack https://instagram.com/sarahs.bookstack

Oct. 3rd- Christina Luvs 2 Read https://instagram.com/christinaluvs2read

Oct. 3rd-  CMT Loves Wine and Books https://instagram.com/cmtloveswineandbooks

Oct. 3rd- Sarahs Bookish Reviews https://instagram.com/sarahs.bookish.reviews

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